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Currently reading

Rules of Vengeance
Christopher Reich
Liberation Day : A Nick Stone Mission
Andy McNab
Boy Nobody
Allen Zadoff
El caballero de la armadura oxidada
VerĂ³nica d'Ornellas Radziwill, Robert Fisher
Land of the Infidel
Robert Shea
Robert J. Crane
Manual of Psychomagic: The Practice of Shamanic Psychotherapy
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Heart Duel
Robin D. Owens
Noble Intentions: Season Two
L.T. Ryan
Catch Me If You Can: The True Story Of A Real Fake
Stan Redding, Frank W. Abagnale

Child 44

Child 44 - Tom Rob Smith How do you take a story of Chikatillo and make it somehow the government's fault?
Why take the serial crimes happening in 1978-1990s and place these in 1960s?

A get all about the artistic licence. And I'm no fan of USSR as well. But I'm no fan of blatant misrepresentation of widely-known facts.

You don't really make it seem like people can be forced to make allegations against their neighbours. When there was a slew of denunciations during the Stalin's terror yet, oh wonder!, there were people who did not do any. Imagine that? What, did they live in a different country from the ones who did? The bottomline is that it is always people who make the ultimate choices.

I think this will be a DNF. Will give it a try sometime later. Maybe I'll get it better in a more appropriate mood.