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Currently reading

Rules of Vengeance
Christopher Reich
Liberation Day : A Nick Stone Mission
Andy McNab
Boy Nobody
Allen Zadoff
El caballero de la armadura oxidada
Verónica d'Ornellas Radziwill, Robert Fisher
Land of the Infidel
Robert Shea
Robert J. Crane
Manual of Psychomagic: The Practice of Shamanic Psychotherapy
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Heart Duel
Robin D. Owens
Noble Intentions: Season Two
L.T. Ryan
Catch Me If You Can: The True Story Of A Real Fake
Stan Redding, Frank W. Abagnale

Boy Nobody

Boy Nobody - Allen Zadoff Q:
In most schools teachers are tired, but not here. Here they are passionate.
This teacher enters the room in midlecture, as if he can’t wait to begin, so much so that he started his lecture in the hall outside class. Hell, he probably started in the parking lot this morning.
J’accélère le pas et je sens le vent souffler dans mes cheveux. J’inspire et j’absorbe le mouvement de la ville, du monde, l’incessant tourbillon.